Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Here's to our best friends

In case you didn't know, we have three furry friends that make our lives complete. Edgar (aka: Eddy/Pupper Doodle Doo) and Samantha Foxx (aka:Sam/Sammy/Mrs. Ruffington) for Stoof and Elvis (aka: Shmoo/Shmellington) for Goober. We'd like to dedicate a few entries to better acquaint you with these lively fellows. Stay tuned for some bios on our pups! For now just enjoy some pics and feel free to leave comments about the dog (or kitty we love them both) in your life, or email us!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pics Goober used, I cannot wait to share more pics and tales of our furry loves. xx- Stoof
